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Articles by Dr. Gregory Stanton

Why Do People Commit Genocide and What Can We Do To Stop It


December 18, 2012

Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Hateful Words Can Kill You



Why do we look the other way?

Speech for the Bay Area Walk Against Genocide





April 29, 2012

Why Save Darfur Didn’t Save Darfur


March 11, 2012

An open letter to Ambassador David Scheffer concerning his IHT Op-Ed ‘Defusing the Lexicon of Slaughter


March 05, 2012


Genocide Watch, New York University: October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

On legal interpretation of intent in the Genocide Convention


June 2011

Why the world needs the Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities


October 2010

Pacifism has the effect of condoning genocide


August 2010

Emerging Paradigms in Genocide Prevention


February 2010

Creation of a Victims Register by the ECCC

Creation of a Victims Register by the ECCC, Consultant to the Victims Unit


Re-thinking Genocide Prevention

New York Times Company, 1-10.Winter 2009

Winter 2009

Media Appearances By Dr. Gregory Stanton

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