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The New Nazism

Supporters of then-President Donald Trump stand inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Inset, Trump is pictured in Washington, D.C., on July 31, 2019. During a Friday interview, the former president called the January 6 rioters “great patriots.” credit SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images; Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images (c) 2021 Newsweek

 Nazism has twelve attributes:

            - Racism

            - White supremacy

            - Nationalism

            - Xenophobia

            - Militarism

- Glorification of guns and violence

            - Religious bigotry

            - Male chauvinism

            - Oppression of women

            - Contempt for democracy

            - Obedience to authoritarian leaders

            - Rejection of universal human rights


The left-right spectrum is a systematically misleading expression. It misleads people into thinking that Nazism and Communism are opposites. They are not. Nazism and Communism are twins.


The political spectrum is a circle, with one axis, promotion of equality, and the other axis, tolerance for liberty. On that circle, Nazism and Communism are right next to each other.


Nazis, Communists, white supremacists, colonialists, Islamists, Christian nationalists, and America-Firsters have no tolerance for liberty. They are freedom's foes.


They drag nations into the dark dungeons of tyranny.


Nazism replaces Christianity with worship of the Nazi party and the state. Hitler’s Nazis made genocide state policy. The Holocaust murdered six million Jews and another six million people from other "inferior races."


Communism replaces the worship of God with worship of the communist party and the state. Exclusionary atheism is the communist state religion.


Marxists believe that capitalism causes oppression. But Marxist regimes have murdered one hundred million more people than all capitalist nations combined. Leninists believe that imperialism is the final stage of capitalism. But the only remaining empires are two post-communist empires, the Russian Empire and the Chinese Empire.


Communist and Nazi dictatorships are the successors to monarchies and theocracies. They are counter-modernization movements.   


Today fascist, monarchist, theocratic, and communist regimes rule a third of the world.


China commits genocide against Tibetans and Uyghurs with impunity. It has built a totalitarian surveillance state with cameras, artificial intelligence, and facial recognition that George Orwell could only imagine.


Putin is trying to reassemble the Soviet Russian empire. Russian missiles destroy Ukrainian cities in a new form of genocide, Urbicide, the intentional destruction of cities, substantial parts of the Ukrainian nation.


Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates bomb Yemen and arm the Arab genocide in Sudan. They finance jihadist rejection of religious freedom while controlling Islam's holiest places.


Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to reestablish the Ottoman Empire. They commit genocide and forced deportation against Armenia and Kurds in Iraq and Syria.


Iran sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists and the Assad dictatorship in Syria. Iran openly declares its genocidal intent to destroy Israel.


India's Modi and his BJP are building a Hindutva state that excludes Muslims, Christians, and members of other religions from full Indian citizenship.


For Donald Trump, race is everything; The Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago, is a Nazi:

            - Racism: “Is Kamala black? She was Asian.” Trump Towers: no rentals to blacks.

            - White supremacy: Africans, Asians, and Latinos are mentally inferior and stupid.

            - Nationalism: Punish Chinese cheaters; NATO deadbeats; “shithole” nations.

            - Xenophobia: Migrants are “criminal”,”mentally ill”, rapist, murderer “invaders”

            - Militarism: Guard the wall with US troops. Invade Mexico. Let Russia take Ukraine.

- Glorification of guns: The Second Amendment means all can own assault rifles.

            - Religious bigotry: America is a Christian nation. Exclude Muslims.

            - Male chauvinism: Men must dominate and govern. Men are superior to women.

            - Oppression of women: Grab their privates. Commit adultery. Wives obey husbands.

            - Contempt for democracy: Deny defeat. Invade the Capitol to stop transfer of power.

            - Preference for authoritarian leaders: Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Victor Orban, Bolsonaro.

            - Rejection of universal human rights: Leave women's reproductive rights up to the states.


Donald Trump is the only US President who has ever attempted a coup d'état.  


Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder drives his Big Lie that he really won the 2020 election. He is psychologically unable of admit he is a “loser.” Trump is a mentally ill sociopath.


Trump has trapped the Republican Party into a cult of personality addicted to election denial.


The leaders of these racist, nationalist movements are the New Nazis.


Nationalism is racism on steroids.


The combination of racism and nationalism is at the heart of the New Nazism. It is the ammonium nitrate mixed with fuel oil that, when ignited by hatred, explodes into genocide.


We must fight this New Nazism.

We must reject Trump’s Darth Vader darkness.


We must become translucent channels for freedom’s light that still shines in America.

Copyright 2024 Gregory H Stanton


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