Statement by Genocide Watch on Forced Displacement and Hazara Land Confiscation by the Taliban
The Taliban have committed genocide and crimes against humanity against Hazaras in Afghanistan. The Hazara ethnic minority have suffered serious violations of international law under the Taliban’s government. The systematic discrimination against Shias in Afghanistan indicates that the Taliban want to force them to leave the country. Taliban believe that Sunnis have rightful ownership over all of the country, including all property of Shias. The Taliban tell their victims that they have come back into power by Allah's command until the Taliban can fulfill their wishes and take revenge on Shia infidels. Therefore, they have forcibly confiscated land and properties of Hazaras. The Taliban displace Hazaras and move their own families into Hazara homes. According to article 7 (d) of Rome Statute of the ICC, the Taliban are committing crimes against humanity against Hazaras through forced deportation and forcible transfer of population.
According to witnesses, the Taliban believe Afghanistan is their ancestral land and they are the only heirs.
The Taliban have displaced more than 2000 inhabitants from Daikundi and Urozgan provinces of Afghanistan. According to an eyewitness woman from Daikundi:
“Taliban have no mercy over us. They broke the door of our house and invaded our privacy. They broke all the windows and were searching for money. One of their soldiers asked us, "Where do you keep your money and gold?" My husband told them I am farmer not a rich man. Then the soldiers started beating my husband. I was begging them to stop beating us. We are also Muslims. Then the soldiers asked me, "What kind of Muslims are you?" He added that Shias are not Muslims and then started to beat me, too. Then they kicked us out of the house and said that this is Taliban property from now on. You have no right to live here.”
Another family who was displaced and arrived at Kabul said, “The Taliban were threatening me if I do not leave home, they will rape my daughters. I was so shocked because they do not understand the language of humanity. They are too violent. I had no other option except to leave our home. I still couldn’t believe losing all the efforts I made so far to make a life for my family, and everything was destroyed in a day.” He added that his daughters are scared and have nightmares because of sad incidents in Balkhab province where Taliban raped and killed girls and women of Hazara families.
“We don’t have any living supplies to support our families. We get most of our food from farming. But now we remain empty handed and suffer hunger, especially in the cold winters.” One of displaced children said, “I asked one of their soldiers why he was doing this to us. What had we done wrong? The soldier slapped his face and told him you are nothing and you are not worthy of living in a house because you are not Muslim. You should ask God to forgive you until your soul becomes clean.”
Taliban soldiers kill entire families who resist them. Eyewitnesses shared news from Urozgan province that proved the Taliban behave inhumanely with Hazaras people. They have made fake documents of ownership of Hazaras lands in this province. The minister of Interior Affairs of the Taliban, Anas Haqqani, has announced his opposition to allowing Shias to join in political, social, economic and other aspects of the Afghan society. On behalf of the Hazaras, Genocide Watch requests that the United Nations Human Rights Council and other International organizations that defend human rights to adopt a resolution opposing discrimination against the Hazara. The United Nations should take urgent action to stop the Taliban from implementing their discriminatory policies against Hazaras in Afghanistan. Genocide Watch Alliance Against Genocide