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Call to sign and distribute: Stops attack on Afrin!!! Against the war for peace


Last week the Turkish military started bombing Afrin and now the Turkish military is threatening Afrin by marching across the border and occupying Afrin with jihad mercenaries. Turkey wants active or passive approval for this attack from countries such as the USA, Russia, Germany, etc. The next war is about to start.

Afrin has been a self-governing canton for years, with one woman and one man each having equal rights in the canton administration. Afrin as part of the de facto autonomous Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava) was important in the fight against IS. IS was beaten off both in Iraq and in Syria by the active resistance of the Kurdish, Arab and Christian populations. What IS didn’t accomplish, is now going to be accomplished by the Turkish Republic: Destruction of the democratic structure in this region, where Christians, Muslims and Yazidis etc. live together peacefully.

Turkey wants to continue its warfare despite internal and international resistance. One can remember that the peace academics were dismissed and persecuted because they didn’t accept the bombing of the Kurdish cities in Turkey. There are many HDP and CHP members, journalists and intellectuals who have spoken out against the war. Turkey still trusts that it can start wars and carry out massacres because even the genocide against Armenians is not recognized by Turkey. The stability achieved in Afrin is being undermined because Turkey does not want a democratic structure in this region, which could be seen as a possible alternative for the people of the region.

Therefore, we call on unions, democratic parties, intellectuals, academics and activists to speak out against the next war in this region. Avoid any military and political support of Turkey. Stop arm sales.

To sign:


  1. Dr.Halis Yildirim / Munich - GEW member ( The Education and Science Workers' Union)

  2. Assoc. Prof. Ides Nicaise - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - KU Leuven

  3. Prof. em. Sabra J. Webber - The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA

  4. Dr. Mesut Keskin, University of Hildesheim, Faculty Member, Institut of Philosophy

  5. Prof. em. John Weeks - SOAS University of London

  6. Prof. Dr. Verena Krieger (Jena)

  7. Prof. Dr. Clyde R. Forsberg Jr. -American University of Central Asia, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

  8. Full Prof. Luigi De Gennaro, PhD - , Dept. of Psychology, Univeristy of Rome Sapienza

  9. Kamuran Akın -Humboldt University PhD Candidate and Academics for Peace from Turkey

  10. Arash Dosthossein – Refugee activist – Refugee struggle for freedom, Germany

  11. Prof. Silke-Maria Weineck - German Studies and Comparative Literature, Translation Advisor, Comparative Literature, University of Michigan

  12. Narges Nasimi – Refugee activist – Refugee struggle for freedom, Germany

  13. Hasan Saglam - Ex-refugee from Turkey and artist and autor

  14. Meryem Cag, Refugee, Member of Trade Union BES (Turkey)

  15. Assoc. Professor Sabra Webber - The Ohio State University

  16. Prof. Alan Goodman - Biological Anthropology, Hampshire Colleg

  17. Jeff McMahan - White's Professor of Moral Philosophy. Professorial Fellow, Corpus Christi College - Oxford

  18. Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Columbia University

  19. Em.Prof.Dr. Herman De Ley - Ghent University, Belgium

  20. Serhat Yildirim - medical student Ghent University (Belgium)

  21. Dr. Ersin Asliturk - Ph.D., Instructor, Psychology and Social science, Douglas College

  22. Prof. Michael Loughlin - Fellow, England Centre for Practice Development, Canterbury Christ Church University

  23. Daniele Savi - Italy

  24. Prof. Dr. J.T.V.M. (Joop) de Jong - University Amsterdam

  25. Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick - Universität Bielefeld

  26. Süleyman Ates -Bundesausschuss für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten der GEW

  27. Prof. Mehmet Ugur - University of Greenwich

  28. Prof. Drucilla Cornell - Rutgers University

  29. Ludo De Brabander - representative from Vrede vzw, peace organisation in Belgium (

  30. Prof. Mine Gencel Bek -Academics for Peace

  31. Professor Toby Miller - Loughborough University London

  32. Christian Kesteloot - Division of Geography and Tourism, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven

  33. Andrew Crosby, researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles

  34. Prof. James Dickins -Prof. of Arabic, University of Leeds, United Kingdom

  35. Assoc. Prof. Robin Celikates - Department Philosophy, University of Amsterdam

  36. Prof. Charles Taylor - McGill University

  37. Dr. Nil Mutluer, Humboldt university

  38. Prof. Alex Demirovic - Universität Frankfurt

  39. Prof Dr. Patrizia Nanz - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies University of Postdam

  40. Dr. Utku Sayın - Universität Bilefeld

  41. Prof. Mehmet Oturan - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

  42. Prof. Dr. Andreas Arndt - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  43. Professor Malcolm J. W. Povey BA, PhD, FInstP, CPhys, CEng , Professor of Food Physics, School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds

  44. Dr. Deniz Yonucu - Leibniz-ZMO

  45. Prof. Avital Ronell - NYU

  46. Marie Scheirlinck - Belgium Bacbi

  47. Dr. Mehmet Rauf Kesici - University of Duisburg-Essen

  48. Dr. Mustafa Sener - University of Bamberg - Academics for Peace from Turkey

  49. Dr. Hakan Mercan- Germany - Academics for Peace from Turkey

  50. Prof. Dr. Markus Tiedemann - Philosophiedidaktik und für Ethik, Technische Universität Dresden

  51. Prof. Dr. Christine Hanke, Media Studies, Faculty of Languages and Literatures, University of Bayreuth

  52. Dr. Nicholas Smith - Senior lecturer (ph.d.), Department of Philosophy, School of Culture and Education - Södertörn University

  53. Prof. Frederick Neuhouser, Barnard College - Columbia University

  54. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Béatrice Hendrich - Junior-Professur für türkische Sprache und Kultur, Orientalisches Seminar der Universität zu Köln

  55. Prof. Judith Butler - University of California, Berkeley

  56. Prof. Seyla Benhabib - Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University

  57. Prof. Athena Athanasiou - Professor of Social Anthropology and Gender Studies, Panteion University, Greece

  58. Em. Prof. Aviel Verbruggen - University of Antwerp

  59. Prof. Werner Ruf - Universität Kassel

  60. Howard Winant- Distinguished Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

  61. Prof. Bertell Ollman, Dept. of Politics, NYU - USA

  62. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll – Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

  63. Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark -Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre -Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung (ZIFG), Center for Interdisciplinary Women and Gender Studies, TU Berlin

  64. Prof. Catherine Malabou - Kingston University

  65. Dr. Daniel Bendix - University of Kassel

  66. Prof Dr. Daniel Loick- Goethe-University Frankfurt

  67. Prof. Dr.em. Jan Engelen- Kath. Univ. Leuven, Belgium

  68. Kevin Rittberger - Author, Berlin

  69. Dr. Andrew Chitty, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Sussex

  70. Phd. Özgür Ünveren , University of Marburg - Academics for Peace

  71. Assoc. Prof. Engin Sustam - University of Geneva

  72. Prof. em. Prof. Sondra Hale - Anthropology and Gender Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

  73. Asst. Prof. Marina Sitrin - Univeristy Binghamton

  74. Konstanze Schmitt, artist, Berlin

  75. Prof. em. Frank Roels - MD, PhD, FRMS, Universiteit Gent

  76. Sima Aprahamian Hovhannessian - Ph.D, Research Associate , Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University

  77. Prof. Dr. Hauke Brunkhorst – Europa-Universität Flensburg

  78. Prof. Thomas Hylland Eriksen - Universitetet i Oslo

  79. Dr. Frieder Vogelmann, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies, University of Bremen

  80. Asst. Prof. Ozlem Goner - Department of Sociology and Anthropology, College of Staten Island, City University of New York

  81. Asst. Prof. Karen Pinto - Islamic and Middle Eastern History, Boise State University

  82. Prof. Dr. Gie van den Berghe – Department of Ethics, University of Ghent (Belgium)

  83. Dr. Karin Verelst, philosopher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  84. Prof. em. Jonathan Rosenhead, London School of Economics

  85. Prof. Dr. em. Madeline Lutjeharms - Vrije Universiteit Brussel

  86. Dr. Esmeray Yogun CNAM Paris France

  87. Dr. Dagmar Comtesse, Wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Exzellenzcluster Normative Orders, Frankfurt

  88. Dr. Nozomi Takahashi, Ghent University, Belgium

  89. Dr. Eva Meyer, author and filmmaker, Berlin

  90. Prof. Konrad Ott - CAU zu Kiel

  91. Tina Turnheim – PhD candidate, Berlin

  92. Dr Nicola Pratt - University of Warwick, UK

  93. Dr. Mete Çetik - Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

  94. Assoc. Prof. Stefan Andreas Kipfer - York University

  95. Asst. Prof. Steven Klein - Political Science, University of Florida

  96. Assoc. Prof. Dr Susanne Bauer, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo

  97. Dr Les Levidow, Senior Research Fellow, Open University, UK

  98. Assoc. Prof. Ariel Salzmann - Islamic and World History, Department of History, Queen’s University

  99. Univ.-Prof. Diedrich Diederichsen, Theory, Practice, and Communication of Contemporary Art , Institute for Art History and Cultural Studies, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien

  100. Prof. Dr. Christoph Lumer - Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Siena

  101. Prof. Haim Bresheeth - SOAS, London

  102. Prof. Heinz Kurz - Universität Graz

  103. Prof. Eran Schaerf, Zurich University of the Arts

  104. Dr. Candan Hizel, Perry PhD, HDR, DABCC, FCHAS

  105. Prof. Charles Larmore - Brown Universtiy

  106. Prof. em. Sherna Berger Gluck - California State University

  107. Prof. Bonnie Honig - Brown University

  108. Prof. Michael Meranze- UCLA

  109. Prof. María do Mar Castro Varela, Alice Salomon University, Berlin

  110. Dr. Hatice Pinar Senoguz - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

  111. Prof. Patrick Williams - Literary and Cultural Studies, School of Arts & Humanities, Nottingham Trent University

  112. Prof. em. Nick Havely - English & Related Literature, University of York U

  113. Dr. Winnie Lem, International Development Studies, Trent University

  114. Prof. Dr. Michi Knecht, Universität Bremen

  115. Distinguished Professor em. Angela Davis - History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz

  116. Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier, Universität Heidelberg

  117. Prof. Werner Bonefeld, University of York

  118. Dr. Franziska Müller, University of Kassel

  119. Dr. Alper Açık, Academics for Peace

  120. Prof. Dr. Marianne Pieper, Fachbereich Sozialwissenshaften, Universität Hamburg

  121. Roberto Veneziani - Queen Mary University of London

  122. Prof. Özen Odağ - Psychology, Touro College Berlin

  123. Prof. Dr. Dr.hc.Frigga Haug - FU Berlin

  124. Prof. Dr. Dr.hc.Wolfgang Fritz Haug - FU Berlin

  125. Dr. Knut Tullius - Sozialwissenschaftler, Göttingen

  126. Prof. Dr. Elmar Altvater - FU Berlin

  127. Hauke Heumann, Schauspieler

  128. Prof. Thomas Kilpper - Faculty of Art, Music and Design, KMD, Bergen University, Norway

  129. Corinna Eleonore Trogisch, Social scientist, PhD at Leibniz University, Hannover

  130. Dr. Nurhak Polat, Bremen University, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Science

  131. Henning Bochert - Autor, Dramaturg , Berlin

  132. Ivor Stodolsky - Co-Founding Director and Curator, Artists at Risk (AR)

  133. Dr. Guido Kirsten, Vertretungsprofessor, Institut für Film-, Theater- und empirische Kulturwissenschaft, Universität Mainz

  134. Andreas Siekmann, Prof. Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee

  135. Alice Creischer, Prof. Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee

  136. Prof. em. Andreas A Huyssen - Villard Professor Emeritus of German and Comparative Literature -Columbia

  137. Prof. em. Carol Delaney, Stanford University

  138. Marita Muukkonen - Curator, Helsinki

  139. Nazan Üstündağ, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

  140. Dr. Nevra AKDEMİR, Independent Researcher, Berlin

  141. Prof. David Klein - Mathematics, California State University Northridge

  142. Çiçek Ilengiz, PhD fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development

  143. Yasmine Siblot, professeure de sociologie, Université Paris 8, France

  144. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann - Kunstgeschichte der Moderne und Nachmoderne,Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften

  145. Dr. Simon Teune, Technische Universität Berlin

  146. Prof. Susan Wright - Educational Anthropology, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

  147. Assoc. Prof. Janick Schaufelbuehl - University of Lausanne

  148. Prof. Thomas E. Wartenberg - President, PLATO, Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Mount Holyoke College

  149. Kariane Westrheim, Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway

  150. Prof. Sally Sedgwick - University of Illinois at Chicago

  151. Assoc. Prof. Norma Claire Moruzzi -University of Illinois at Chicago

  152. Prof. Sibylle Fischer, NYU

  153. Prof. Christie McDonald - Harvard

  154. María Ferrara Jiménez Barrio - performing artist, Gestalt therapist, yoga teacher - Berlin

  155. Baran Caginli, artist and researcher , Helsinki

  156. Prof. Dr. Helene Decke-Cornill -Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg

  157. Prof. em. Richard A. Walker - Geography, Director, Living New Deal Project, University of California

  158. Matthias Naumann, writer & publisher, Futur II Konjunktiv, Berlin

  159. Inga Zimprich, artist, Feminist Health Care Research Group, Berlin

  160. Prof. Susan Buck-Morss, CUNY Graduate Center

  161. Prof. Michael Lambek, FRSC, Canada Research Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto Scarborough

  162. Prof. Adi Ophir, The Cogut Institute for the Humanities and the Program for Middle East Studies, Brown University

  163. Anand Pillay, University of Notre Dame, USA, and University of Leeds, UK

  164. Friederike Schneider - Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

  165. Prof. John Chalcraft - Middle East History and Politics, Government Department, London School of Economics and Political Science

  166. Dr. Hilmi Tezgör - University Duisburg-Essen

  167. Binna Choi, director of Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons, Utrecht, the Netherlands

  168. Prof. Beth Baron, Disting - History, City University of New York

  169. Prof. Michael Lowy, directeur de recherche émérite, CNRS

  170. Dr Stefano Ba' - PhD, MA, 'Laurea' (BA hon.), Lecturer, Institute for Childhood and Education, Leeds Trinity University

  171. Elke Heublein, entrepreneur & facilitator, educational consultant


(c) 2018 IAGS

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