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Use the power of restraining Myanmar's leadership on the issue of Rohingya

Astro Awani

Seorang pakar pembunuhan jenayah kaum, profesor Dr Gregory Stanton melihat sekatan jadi alat paling berkesan untuk menekan Aung San Suu Kyi dan rejim tentera myanmar dalam menangani krisis Rohingya. Beliau menarik perhatian, sekatan memberi kesan kepada iran dan iraq semasa dua negara teluk itu dikecam masing-masing kerana isu nuklear dan kepimpinan dictator.

Translation: A racial crime killer expert, Professor Dr Gregory Stanton sees sanctions as the most effective tool for suppressing Aung San Suu Kyi and myanmar military regime in addressing the Rohingya crisis. He drew attention, restrictions affecting iran and iraq while the two countries were censured by nuclear and dictatorial leadership respectively.


© 2017 Astro Awani

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