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Communicating Peace through Stories of Shared Hardship & Genocide Survival.



Communicating Peace through Stories of Shared Hardship & Genocide Survival.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. -- Mahatma Gandhi

ANLONG VENG PEACE CENTER Documentation Center of Cambodia

Prepositioning twenty years (1998-2018) of peace in Anlong Veng, the final stronghold of the Khmer Rouge. A new vision for a city of peace, reconciliation, and regeneration at Cambodia's northern border with Thailand.

The Anlong Veng Peace Center is pleased to announce its inaugural Anlong Veng Tour Guide Training Programme. This training would not be possible without the generous contributions from the Swiss Cooperation Office and the Swiss Embassy for Cambodia as the primary donors to this programme. In addition, this programme would not be possible without core support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Robert Bosch Foundation. In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism (MoT), the Anlong Veng Peace Center will train 30 tour guides in the Anlong Veng region between July and December 2017.

The programme encompasses two training sessions of five days of instruction and practical training in providing tours of the local region. In addition, the programme will include an exhibition on the history of the Khmer Rouge movement in the region: “Healing the landscape, Healing the society.” The instruction will be focused on local and national history of the KR movement (including the importance of Anlong Veng memorial sites); how to facilitate tours within the Anlong Veng region; story-telling techniques; and methods for engaging the public in critical reflection.

The vision of the tour guide training is for each tour offered by the Anlong Veng Peace Center to be guided by one survivor and one former member of the Khmer Rouge. Hearing stories from both sides of the conflict will generate a powerful, complex, and informative discussion as the historical sites are visited, thereby fostering peace through memory and reconciliation. While the short-term objectives of this programme are centered on building local capacity in providing historical tours, the programme’s activities are connected with the Peace Center’s long-term objectives of building environmentally friendly, sustainable development in the region.

The “Anlong Veng Master Plan” encompasses a collaborative project between the Anlong Veng Peace Center, the London studio DaeWha Kang Design, and other stakeholders, to create a new vision for the district of Anlong Veng, the final stronghold of the Khmer Rouge movement. This project aims to create a city of peace, reconciliation, and regeneration in a place known until now for violence and trauma.


(c) 2017 DCCam

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