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News 24

Rwanda genocide case to resume at UN court

A United Nations court has resumed proceedings in the case of a former Rwandan planning minister convicted of involvement in his country's 1994 genocide, following the release from custody in Turkey of one of the judges involved in the case.

The UN's Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals announced on Monday that it will review the conviction of Augustin Ngirabatware, who was sentenced on appeal to 30 years in 2014 for inciting, instigating, aiding and abetting genocide.

Ngirabatware last year filed a request for review of his convictions.

The case was put on ice after UN judge Aydin Sefa Akay was detained in his native Turkey. Akay was convicted last week of membership of a terrorist organization and sentenced to seven and a half years' imprisonment but released pending appeal.


(c) 2017 News 24

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