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First, they slaughtered Myanmar Muslims. Now they block Islamic prayers

BBC News

4 years ago, the military-backed, organized mob slaughtered 500 Muslims, at least.

The media reports are inexcusably conservative with the scale of killings - either at Meikhtila or in Rohingya region. I talked to eye-witnesses from Meikhtila, who are NOT Muslims. The then military intelligence chief ex-LtGeneral Ye Myint absolutely knew where several dozen Muslim students were hiding, but in his capacity as the Chief Minister of Mandalay Division which has direct jurisdictions over the town of Meikhtila, Ye Myint let innocent Muslims of the town be slaughtered: he chose NOT to order the troops to rescue them.

Meanwhile, the genocidal killers were slaughtering any Muslims in sight. Then they brought in used car tires in pick-up trucks, piled the dead and the wounded, about 20 or so each pile, threw gas and lit the fire.

Disposing bodies is also a standard procedure of the Burmese military - since July 1962, when the army killed several hundred Rangoon University protesters several months after Ne Win's coup.

According to the eyewitnesses the fire enginees were brought in at 2 or 3 am to cleanse the streets on campus of any fresh flood stains and ppols. That is, after the bodies were collected on army trucks for dumping in some mass graves in undisclosed locations in Rangoon.

One Buddhist monk, on the other hand, saved 1000 Muslims, in his monastery.

Meikhila is a heavily forified military towns, with about 60 different military units. They can reach every neighbourhood in 5 minutes. But all the troops, and police, were given NO ORDER to stop the killing spree and burning down Muslim neighbourhoods.

Myanmar Government bans mass praying of Muslims in Meikhtila.

Here is the latest from the BBC Burmese - about the banning of 4000 Burmese Muslims from praying in 3 different locations - because their old mosques have been burned down back in March 2013.


(c) 2017 BBC News

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