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Should Christians Be Driven to Extinction in Syria?

Nehemiah was the cupbearer for Artaxerxes, the king of Persia. When Nehemiah’s brothers returned from visiting Jerusalem, they described how its walls had been destroyed by war, and its gates burned to ashes. They told how the tattered Jewish survivors had limped home from exile in Babylon but were in great trouble. Nehemiah dared to speak to Artaxerxes. He asked to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city. Artaxerxes agreed. Nehemiah then devised plans for how he would succeed, and he followed them to restore Jerusalem into the city on a hill that it had always been. Today war-torn Syria is like Jerusalem was then. It is broken. Its cities decimated. Its Christian population on the edge of extinction, driven into exile in the face of genocide, persecution and torture. Even still, Christian leaders are envisioning the day when they can rebuild their churches and welcome back those who are led by God to return. But they can’t do it alone. We – each of us – must be their Nehemiah.


Seventy-five (75) transformational Christian leaders from Syria, all of whom have had significant experiences during the war, will meet later this year at the Rise Up and Build Conference, sponsored by the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative (21CWI). 21CWI is known throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East for its work on behalf of oppressed religious minorities, and for working toward a world where religious freedom is recognized as a universal right. The goal of the conference is to help every transformational leader design a strategic plan unique to their church and community, and identify the steps they will take to implement that plan as an intentional witness for peace.

Come stand with the new “rebuilding generation” of leaders. Be part of rebuilding Syria’s rich Christian heritage. This ambitious goal can't be achieved without the generous support of people like you. Please help us fund the Rise Up and Build Conference. We’re almost halfway there! The conference will cost $50,000. Thanks to an anonymous donor, we have already raised $20,000.

Be a force for good. Please do as much as you can to help us raise the last $30,000.

Let us walk together in Nehemiah’s footsteps to rebuild Syria’s leaders and return its Christian community to health. Sincerely, Randel Everett President and Founder 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative


(c) 2017 Wilberforce

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