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Justice Mosaics: New ICTJ Book Explores Importance of Context

Justice Mosaics

What hope is there for justice for victims of atrocities in profoundly fractured societies, where systems of government have broken down and social and political divisions run deep? What is the role of transitional justice in forging peace in countries like Colombia, after decades of conflict? Or in countries like Tunisia, after years of repression and corrosive corruption? A new book by ICTJ titled Justice Mosaics: How Context Shapes Transitional Justice in Fractured Societies examines the challenges of responding to massive human rights violations in different and difficult circumstances in today's world. The book is the culmination of years of research, and its chapters study how a variety of factors – from religious actors to labor unions, non-state armed groups to political parties – impact efforts to grapple with the past. The research ultimately stresses the role of institutional context, prevailing social and economic structures, and the nature of conflict itself, providing vivid examples of their interplay with transitional justice measures around the world. Download the book for free and explore our multimedia presentation. In it you'll find explorations of these questions and more:

  • Is transitional justice relevant amidst ongoing conflict?

  • Can local communities devise ways to address large-scale atrocities and human rights violations?

  • Is transitional justice possible if there is no political will?

  • What is the role of religious institutions in transitional justice efforts?

  • How do labor unions impact transitional justice processes?

You can also read ICTJ's analysis in a special report, available here.



(c) 2017 Justice Mosaics

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