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Premier Journalist

Iraqi Christians Demand Resettlement at Beirut Protest

Iraqi Christians launched a protest outside the UN regional headquarters in Beirut yesterday, demanding a quicker resettlement process.

Thousands of Iraqi Christian refugees fled to Lebanon to escape fighting and persecution in Iraq.

Lebanon has the highest per-capita concentration of refugees worldwide, where one out of every four people is a refugee.

Despite such a high number of refugees, Lebanon has adopted a "no camp" policy which means that refugees are not allowed to settle in large scale camps. This means that they are forced to live in temporary shelters, often on waste land.

Refugees are also not entitled to work in Lebanon and have difficulty accessing schools and healthcare.

According to Associated Press, at least 200 Iraqis took part in Monday's protest. One banner read: "The future of our children is wasted."

Just a few days after Trump's order to stop refugees from countries including Iraq and Syria, Lebanese President Michel Aoun renewed calls for Syrians to be repatriated to their home country.


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