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Watch Aung San Suu Kyi speak on the Rohingyas: 2 different messages, 2 different audiences

Channel News Asia: By Lin Xueling Posted 02 Dec 2016 19:34 Updated 03 Dec 2016 00:10 "SINGAPORE: Amid international accusations that the Myanmar military is leading a crackdown against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Rakhine, Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi said she wants to make the situation better. Asked if the problem is intractable, she said no. “We have managed to keep the situation under control and to calm it down,” she stated. It’s not just Muslims who are nervous and worried. The Rakhine are worried too, they are worried about the fact that they are shrinking as a Rakhine population percentage-wise, and of course, we cannot ignore the fact that the relationship between the two communities has not been good and we want to try to make it better. "But it doesn’t help if everybody is just concentrating on the negative side of the situation in spite of the fact that there were attacks against police outposts which began on Oct 9." ... When it was put to her that it is not solely the international community that is the root of the problem, Ms Suu Kyi said: "I know that. I’m not saying there are no difficulties, but it helps if people recognise the difficulty and are more focused on resolving these difficulties rather than exaggerating them so that everything seems worse than it really is." ============================ HERE IS AUNG SAN SUU KYI'S MESSAGE TO THE BURMESE PUBLIC. Then watch this 2 minutes Burmese language Q and A where she utterly dismissed the issue as "fabrications" and tell her supporters in Burmese, it is 'very loud, noisy and annoying" . ============================= There are the studies and published essays which she considers part of "exaggerations". Here is the latest - from former Clerk at Yugoslavia Tribunal, former legal staffer with US State Department, a Yale JD and NUS PhD Candidate in Law Confronting genocide in Myanmar The urgent need to prevent and protect KATHERINE SOUTHWICK =============================== Here is from Sir Geoffrey Nice (deputy prosecutor of Milosevic) & Francis Wade A Genocide in the Making The world can no longer look away from the intensifying assault on Burma’s Rohingya minority. =============================== Here is Amartya Sen at Harvard Conference on the Rohingya Genocide (Sen was her Economics tutor at Delhi University, India 15 minutes - (clipped) ================================ Here is a peer-reviewed academic study that my wife and i did [23PacRimLPolyJ0683] The Slow-Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya Zarni, Maung; Cowley, Alice URI: Date: 2014-06 ============================== Genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar may be entering new and deadly phase The International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at Queen Mary University of London has warned that reports of attacks against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar may signal a new phase in what ISCI researchers say is genocide. Monday 17 October 2016

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