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177 items found for "Palestine"

  • Israel-Palestine Conflict Escalation

    Protests over the expulsion of Palestinian families and Israeli raids on Al-Aqsa Mosque compound preceded Sheikh Jarrah expulsions Anger has been growing over the forced expulsion of Palestinian families from The Israeli court in October 2020 ruled that four Palestinian families should vacate their homes, and Recently, there have been confrontations as Palestinians gathered for iftar meals – the breaking of Some 205 Palestinians and 17 Israeli officers were wounded.

  • Israel and Palestine Report

    (Said Khatib/AFP) Jews, Muslims, and Christians have lived together in what is now Israel and Palestine Most Palestinians still reject the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish homeland, citing Palestinian habitation in what is now Israel and Palestine for nearly 2000 years since Romans drove many Jews into exile. In 2022, the Israel Defense Forces(IDF) killed an estimated 153 Palestinians, the highest Palestinian Genocide Watch recognizes the situation in Israel and Palestine to be at Stage 3: Discrimination, Stage

  • Genocide Warning Report: Israel/Palestine

    Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Warning for both Israel and Palestine. The Israeli government desires increased national security against attacks from Hamas, the Palestine Past peace agreements between Israel and Palestine have been unsuccessful. President Trump proposed a two-state solution that recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and Palestine and demilitarizes Palestine.

  • Jordan Arrests, Harasses Pro-Palestine Protesters

    People attend a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza in Amman, Jordan, November 24, 2023. © 2023 Amman) – Jordanian authorities have arrested and harassed scores of Jordanians who participated in pro-Palestine thousands of Jordanians have participated in peaceful demonstrations nationwide in solidarity with Palestinians

  • Hawara West Bank: 'What happened was horrific and barbaric'

    By Tom Bateman for BBC News A Palestinian child walks near cars burnt near Hawara - Reuters Homes in On Sunday the Palestinian town was subjected to one of the worst cases of mass Israeli settler violence in years, hours after two settlers were shot dead by a Palestinian gunman. The Palestinian health ministry says 37-year-old Sameh Aqtash died after being shot in the stomach during Alongside waves of Israeli military search and arrest raids in Palestinian cities, and growing numbers

  • Knesset Votes For Israelis to resettle evacuated outposts

    in the evacuated settlements of Homesh, Sa-Nur, Kadim and Ganim, all of which are located around the Palestinian The evacuated settlement of Homesh, in particular, has been the focus of tensions between Palestinians On March 1, he said the Palestinian town of Huwara near Nablus “should be wiped out”, days after Israeli settlers carried out what was described as a “pogrom”, in which dozens of Palestinian homes and hundreds of cars were torched, while one Palestinian man was killed and hundreds of others injured. © 2023 Al

  • Israel plans thousands of illegal settlement homes

    “Where I’m standing is supposed to be the state of Palestine if a two-state solution is ever agreed. , according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Some 24 people have been killed in Palestinian attacks. United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestine Francesca Albanese told Al Jazeera that international “There is a problem of double standards, because clearly when it comes to Palestine there is a cognitive

  • Genocide Warning: Israel & Palestine

    elections in Gaza, the IDF has killed more than 4,000 Palestinians in military campaigns in Gaza. Hamas rockets and Palestinian terrorist attacks have killed over 1000 Israelis since 2000. Since 2000, Israeli forces have killed over 10,000 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Genocide Watch recognizes the situation in Israel-Palestine to be at Stage 3: Discrimination, Stage 6 To prevent further violence in Israel and Palestine, Genocide Watch recommends: The Israeli government

  • Hamas’s Control of Gaza Must End Now

    He stressed that regime change in Gaza — that is, overthrowing Hamas and reinstalling the Palestinian Hamas’s control of Gaza has hopelessly divided Palestinian politics. Egypt sees Hamas as the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, which it ruthlessly suppresses at The ailing Palestinian Authority views Hamas as its principal rival for power. Could the Palestinian Authority resume civil control over the strip, with security furnished by Arab

  • Israel Army Kills 10 Palestinians in Jenin raid

    According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, nine of the Palestinians killed were in the Jenin refugee The dead included an elderly woman, according to Palestinian officials. Armed clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters soon broke out. The military added that several Palestinian fighters had been shot after they opened fire. aimed at humiliating the Palestinian authority,” the analyst said.

  • Over 1,100 Palestinians said held by Israel without trial

    Over 1,100 Palestinians said held by Israel without trial, highest figure since 2003 by Emanuel Fabian Illustrative: Protesters carry pictures of various Palestinian prisoners, left and center, who are being (AP Photo/Adel Hana) Israel is currently holding over 1,100 Palestinians without trial or charge, the The vast majority of them are Palestinians. Just four of the detainees are Jewish Israelis. “Against Palestinians, Israel makes wholesale use of what should be a rare, exceptional measure.

  • Israel/OPT: Second night of horror at al-Aqsa mosque

    ©Anadolu Agency / Contributor/ Getty Images A second consecutive night-time attack on Palestinian worshippers They fired stun grenades and used rifle butts to beat Palestinians who had gathered at the mosque for During the first attack on Tuesday night, Israeli security forces arrested at least 450 Palestinians, Some fifty Palestinians are still detained after the first raid on Tuesday/Wednesday. An attack in 2021 left at least 170 Palestinians injured and stirred widespread protests.

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