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177 items found for "Palestine"

  • Genocide Watch Report: Countries of Special Concern January-June 2021

    Situations of Increased Risk - Armenia/Azerbaijan, Belarus, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Israel/Palestine Israel/Palestine Stages: Discrimination (3), Polarization (6), Persecution (8) In May, Hamas launched a barrage of rockets at Israel in response to Israel's planned eviction of Palestinian residents from The subsequent 11-day conflict left 256 Palestinians in Gaza dead . Palestinian protesters called for the resignation of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who

  • UN says forced expulsion of Palestinians a ‘violation’ of law

    He said as head of the UN agency for Palestine refugees it is his job “to protect and assist Palestinian Mass protests against their forced dispossession in May quickly spread across historic Palestine and “The families never, ever lost their Palestine refugee status,” said Lewis. “They are recognised as Palestinian refugees, are registered with UNRWA as Palestine refugees, and have the right to receive support from UNRWA like other Palestine refugees.”

  • Egypt: Release Protesters and Activists Detained

    unconditionally release all those arbitrarily detained solely for independent activism in solidarity with Palestine “The authorities must immediately release all those arbitrarily detained in the crackdown on pro-Palestine 2023 and May 2024, authorities arbitrarily arrested at least 123 people for expressing solidarity with Palestine ( Students for Palestine ), according to the Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR). women’s rights defenders took the risk of organizing a peaceful protest in solidarity with women in Palestine

  • ‘Afraid of return’: Palestinians fearful of life in Yarmouk camp

    Some 160,000 Palestinians were forced to flee the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus throughout the 10- In 1948, her family was among hundreds of thousands of those who were expelled from their homes in Palestine Yarmouk became home to many of those Palestinians and a symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israel outside ‘Die homeless’ The al-Assad regime supported Hamas over Yassir Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organisation Palestine.

  • Israel's Nine Year War Against the ICC

    what in the legalese of the court was called “the situation in Palestine”. The surveillance system did not capture calls between ICC officials and anyone outside Palestine. what in the legalese of the court was called “the situation in Palestine”. The surveillance system did not capture calls between ICC officials and anyone outside Palestine. what in the legalese of the court was called “the situation in Palestine”.

  • Palestinian refugees: between Gaza solidarity and Lebanese discrimination

    Palestinian refugees in Lebanon demonstrate to return to Palestine photo credit: Mideast Eye By Tala "Genuine solidarity with Palestine means ending the suffering and discrimination against Palestinians A child in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra and Shatila. “Genuine solidarity with Palestine means ending the suffering and discrimination against Palestinians " “I went to the demonstrations at the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine.

  • The Rohingya crisis and the role of the OIC The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is not doing eno

    international action to protect the Rohingya and in the past has stood up for persecuted Muslims in Palestine

  • Mob storms Dagestan airport looking for Jewish Passengers

    Video posted to social media showed hundreds of young men, some carrying Palestinian flags or placards the suffering of victims of the actions of unrighteous people and politicians, and pray for peace in Palestine Prominent figures in Dagestan have spoken in support of Palestine and against the Israeli state since A delegation from Hamas, the Palestinian organisation’s first high-profile international trip since the

  • Iran Expected to Attack Israel in the Coming Days

    walk past a billboard showing a portrait of newly appointed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (top) next to Palestine Palestine Square in Tehran on August 12, 2024.

  • UN warns water is running out in Gaza

    More than two million Palestinians have been left with limited access to clean water, something the United Palestinians queue to fill containers with water in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on October The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said on Saturday Palestinians are now forced to use dirty water from wells, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases Last Friday, the Palestinian armed group Hamas launched a surprise multi-pronged assault on Israel, which

  • Gaza death toll passes 5,000 with no ceasefire in sight

    killed now 35 In addition to the overall death toll, the number of UN staff members working with the Palestine President of the General Assembly has confirmed that the 10th Emergency Special Session on Israel and Palestine officially titled: Illegal Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian

  • Egypt Fears an Exodus While Gaza Aid Is Blocked

    Many Egyptians fear opening up the border to all Palestinians instead of sending aid into Gaza would Israelis have previously suggested that Egypt cede part of its territory to form a Palestinian state. Still, Palestinians have reason to be fearful: Displacements into Arab states in previous Israel-Palestine Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi described the Palestinian struggle as “the cause of all Arabs Sisi has called for an international summit to take place Saturday to discuss the future of Palestine

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