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177 items found for "Palestine"

  • ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan promises to build ‘stronger cases’

    The ICC is handling a number of sensitive cases, including in the occupied Palestinian territory and crimes allegations in Afghanistan, including against US troops, and alleged atrocities in the occupied Palestinian territories by Israeli troops, Palestinians and other armed groups.

  • US and UK Air Strikes Hit Yemen, Houthi-Run TV Reports

    in the Red Sea and firing missiles and drones at Israeli targets for months in a show of support for Palestinians

  • Genocide is Never Justifiable: Israel and Hamas in Gaza

    Prior to its first assault, Israeli Defense Forces called for over a million Palestinians in northern Israel has long made a practice of classification and discrimination against Palestinians. Palestinians without citizenship cannot obtain passports and are denied certain jobs. Palestinians in Israel the security that accompanies citizenship. [classification]; Israel’s leaders incite genocide against Palestinians by dehumanizing Palestinians

  • World Central Kitchen: Israel targeted staff in Gaza 'car by car'

    WCK workers from Australia, Canada, Poland, the UK and the US were killed as well as their Palestinian Their Palestinian colleague was buried in his hometown in Rafah, southern Gaza, on Tuesday. A Polish national, an Australian, a Palestinian and a dual US-Canadian citizen were also killed. According to Cogat, the Israeli defence ministry body in charge of civilian policy in the Occupied Palestinian

  • Genocide Emergencies and Warnings: Recommendations

    . - Israeli and Palestinian Authority leaders must relaunch direct talks to resolve their conflicts based on the national, political, and human rights of both Israelis and Palestinians. - Palestinian leaders legitimate existence as a nation. - Israel must halt expansion of settlements and dispossession of Palestinians

  • Leading genocide scholar Israel Charny on Gaza war

    Yet Israeli popular culture did NOT call for extermination of the Palestinians. Zionism has never called for the eradication of Palestinians. OPINION: I agree completely that every word by Israelis of intention to destroy the Palestinians in Gaza erred seriously long before the October 7 massacre in allowing extreme right-wing violence against Palestinian OPINION: There is no question that the extent of bombing of Palestinians in Gaza is excessive.

  • Jordanian Police Beat, Arrest Protestors

    Demonstrators carry banners and flags as a flare burns during a protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, outside Al daily, has long been a flashpoint of anti-Israel protests at times of escalation of violence between Palestinians Passions have run high among Jordanians, many of whom are of Palestinian origin, over the carnage in was a sweeping crackdown that has seen hundreds of people arrested for expressing their support for Palestinians

  • Can the World Court stop Israel?

    Founding President, Genocide Watch Karachi Express Tribune Magazine February 4, 2024 By Hammad Sarfraz Palestinian However, the World Court stopped short of demanding a halt to the military offensive against Palestinians Palestinian children who hope to play football in rubble left by Israeli bombing. Palestinian children in front of their bombed-out former apartment building. If I had full power, I'd bring a Palestinian child orphaned by the bombing to the meeting.

  • Israel says it uncovered 800 shafts to Hamas tunnels

    underneath Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, amid the ongoing ground operation of the Israeli army against Palestinian The Palestinian Islamist group said before the now eight-week-old war in the Gaza Strip that it had hundreds

  • Losing Hope on the West Bank by Nicholas Kristof

    When I was a law student backpacking through the Middle East in 1982, I met two Palestinian university One reason it was possible to track them down is that Palestinian refugees aren’t very mobile. “The only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian,” Saleh said, describing his take on Israeli attitudes More than 900 Palestinians have been forced from their homes in that period. And that, I think, is the core of the Palestinian problem.

  • In Gaza We Still Have Time to Stop the Worst

    crime against humanity — Israel’s military air and ground assault on Gaza has killed more than 10,500 Palestinians they are trying to limit civilian casualties, and they attribute the large numbers of dead and wounded Palestinians the government — also represented in the I.D.F. — celebrate the war as an opportunity to be rid of Palestinians And so, while we cannot say that the military is explicitly targeting Palestinian civilians, functionally which now appears to also be sliding toward ethnic cleansing under the cover of war in Gaza; several Palestinian

  • Sudan’s civil war triggers an ‘unimaginable’ humanitarian crisis

    population is more than three times that of the combined number of people living in Israel and the Palestinian

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