
Country Overview
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Watch | Stage 3: Discrimination |
The Dega are a group of peoples that live in the Central Highlands region of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The Dega were known as Montagnards by French colonial authorities, a term meaning “mountain dwellers.” The Dega are divided into sub-groups, including the Jarai, Rhade, Bahnar, and Koho. They are culturally and linguistically distinct from the majority Kinh (Vietnamese) population. The Dega have a long history of conflict with and discrimination at the hands of the Vietnamese majority.
Vietnam: Activists and Bloggers Under Attack
Persecuting “Evil Way” Religion: Abuses against Montagnards in Vietnam
Vietnam arrests blogger for ‘opposing the state’ just hours after human rights meeting with US