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Sarah Kane, Chief Operating Officer

Sarah Kane is a graduate of Duke University with a major in Public Policy, a minor in History, and a certificate in Human Rights. As an undergraduate, Sarah focused specifically on migration, although she is passionate about the promotion and protection of human rights on an international scale. Sarah has previously worked with two NGOs that service refugees: Kiron in Berlin, Germany, which provides access to higher education for refugees, and InfoPark in Belgrade, Serbia, which provides resources and programming for recent arrivals and young boys and girls in the nearby reception center. At Genocide Watch, Sarah focuses on day-to-day operations and leads the Communications Team. Sarah is also employed by The International Campaign for Tibet.


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Grace Condon, Research Director

Grace Condon is a graduate of the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada where she majored in History with a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. Her research interests include global histories of human rights abuses and advocacy, social and political dissent, decolonization, historiography, and narrative history. As Research Director for Genocide Watch, she leads the Research Team. She oversees Genocide Watch Blogs and special research. She presented her study of "Femicide in Mexico" at the IAGS meeting in Barcelona in July 2023. She monitors Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Iran. Passionately committed to building a future in which genocide, extrajudicial violence, and widespread social inequality are unthinkable, Grace hopes to deepen her understanding of genocide prevention and acquire knowledge and skill in international human rights law and advocacy. In 2024, Grace will enroll in law school.

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Aline Keledjian, Alliance & Advocacy Manager and Podcast Writing Director

Aline Keledjian is a fourth-year undergraduate student at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. She is double majoring in History and International Affairs with a concentration in Conflict Resolution. Aline has previously interned at Facing History and Ourselves where she reviewed and collated primary sources for a lesson plan on pre-WWII North African Jewish life, among other projects. Last fall, Aline interned at the National Security Archive where she conducted research on topics related to nuclear history and she cataloged several primary source documents into a database. At the George Washington University, Aline has worked as a research assistant for the Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project and as a research specialist for a professor in the Department of American Studies. She is also a member of the Dean’s Scholars Program at the George Washington University where she is conducting her original research project that explores how collective trauma narratives impact people’s perceptions of conflict. Aline’s Armenian heritage has influenced her passion for genocide awareness, prevention, and education. At Genocide Watch, Aline will monitor a set of countries in addition to working as a Congressional Communications intern to assist with legislative advocacy efforts.

Sanaea Suntok, Alliance & Advocacy Manager and Podcast Outreach Director

Sanaea Suntok is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in Political Studies and minoring in Global Development at Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. During her time at Queen’s, she has heavily contributed to the Perspectives on Gender Equity in Politics publication, first as editor-in-chief and now as co-chair. She has further completed the International Law and Politics Field Program at Bader College in Herstmonceux, England, wherein she traveled to Europe to study comparative genocide and international humanitarian law under top professionals in the field.

Her past research projects have involved analyzing debates surrounding the legitimacy of the International Criminal Court’s jurisdictional scope, tracking processes of various states’ democratic consolidation and decline, and studying how colonial legacies continue to impact international law and politics today. Her current research interests involve exploring how conceptions of race and culture impact the ways in which different cases of genocide are perceived, and how global power politics and political aims impact states’ reactions to instances of genocide. She is further interested in the politics of remembrance and exploring unconventional avenues of transitional justice to best achieve meaningful and lasting change.

After obtaining her undergraduate degree Sanaea intends to pursue a law degree and enter the field of international human rights law or international humanitarian law, continuing her commitment to the prevention of atrocity crimes and enabling the pursuit of justice for its victims.

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Frankie Condon, Lead Editor

Frankie Condon is an Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Waterloo and the Associate Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Frankie’s recent co-edited collection, CounterStories from the Writing Center (with Wonderful Faison) is the winner of the International Writing Center Association’s 2023 Outstanding Book Award. Among her other books are her monograph, I Hope I Join the Band: Narrative, Affiliation, and Antiracist Rhetoric; Performing Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Rhetoric, Writing and Communication, co-edited with Vershawn Ashanti Young; and The Everyday Writing Center: A Community of Practice (co-authored with Geller et al). Her current projects include new monographs: The Road to Hell: Radical Precedents of Post-Racial Rhetoric in the 21st Century, a genealogical history of the metaphor of colourblindness for racial justice, and Encounters with Bean: Contending with White Supremacy in the Antiracist Classroom.

Areeka Khan, Alliance & Advocacy Coordinator, India

Areeka Khan holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Sophia College for Women in Mumbai, India. She is an active member of the All India Human Rights Association’s student committee and research team, where her article "Religious Nationalism and the Transgressive Theory of Love Jihad in India" was published. She volunteered as a medical assistant at Shyama Prasad Mukerjee (Civil) Hospital in Lucknow, India, where she shadowed medical professionals and assisted in the organisation of blood donation camps and AIDS and HIV awareness sessions. As an intern for Genocide Watch, Areeka aims to draw attention to the consequences of state-sanctioned violence and discrimination in the name of nation, race, and religion. She monitors India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, China, and North Korea for Genocide Watch.

She is head of Genocide Watch's Sudan advocacy team.

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Brooklyn Quallen, Alliance Coordinator, Early Warning Analyst


Brooklyn Quallen is a junior at Smith College, majoring in International Relations and History. Her main research interest at Smith has been the relationship between international residual responsibility for atrocity crimes and a system that privileges Westphalian sovereignty over human rights. This has included examinations of past peacekeeping missions and their implications on present-day intervention efforts. She has also done work on human rights violations in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara as part of a fellowship at Smith. She focuses primarily on Eastern Europe and North Africa. She plans to study the Middle East and East Asia and will cover a wide range of international human rights issues.

Bhaswati Bhattacharjee, Alliance Coordinator, Early Warning Analyst, India


Bhaswati Bhattacharjee is working on her PhD thesis as a Junior Research Fellow at the department of English of Dr. Harisingh Gour A Central University at Madhya Pradesh, India. The thrust area of her research is marginalized women’s war memoirs. She has one national and two international journal publications so far. As of now, she has presented papers at one national seminar and at one national and four international conferences, with the latest being the 6th “Migration, Adaptation and Memory” International Interdisciplinary Conference held in Gdańsk, Poland on 15-16 June 2023. She has contributed one chapter in the book titled Fourth Wave of Feminism: Reconstructing Gender Studies in Media, Law and Literature-An Insightful Interpretation and Analysis and one chapter in the book titled Identity Explorations: Dimensions and Discourses (vol 1). She is now working on two more chapters on genocide, memory, trauma studies, and liminality for two upcoming volumes to be published by Routledge and Vernon Press respectively. She has joined Genocide Watch as a Research Intern and will be working with the “Femicide/Rape as an Act of Genocide” taskforce. Her areas of interest include war memoirs, marginalized people’s life-writings, biopolitics, intersectionality, and genocide studies.

Prabhleen Kaur, Early Warning Analyst


Prabhleen Kaur has pursued her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Psychology from the University of Delhi, India. Her academic and research interests include intersectional identities and vulnerability, social conflicts, peace psychology, dissent and resistance, as well as community mental health. For her Master’s dissertation, she analyzed the perspectives on conflict resolution and peacebuilding rooted in the medieval Indian resistance movement of Bhakti through the poetry of the 15th-century saint-poet Kabir Das. She has previously served as the President of the National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit of her college, organizing several events to raise awareness about various social issues as well as coordinating efforts towards making information on the availability of emergency and essential services publicly accessible during the COVID pandemic. She intends to carry out innovative and meaningful research that can be translated into policy and contribute in whatever ways possible to promote a kind of world peace that amounts to much more than the absence of war. At Genocide Watch, she will be monitoring countries and writing alerts while also assisting alongside with the Podcast and Advocacy teams. 

Aisling Lynch-Kelly, Early Warning Analyst, Fundraising


Aisling is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh and the University of Amsterdam, where she studied History and Holocaust and Genocide Studies, respectively. As an undergraduate, Aisling focused on religious-based conflict in Post-Colonial India and wrote her thesis on the impact of the 1984 Anti-Sikh Pogrom on Sikh women in Delhi. After completing her undergraduate degree, Aisling wanted to apply theories of mass violence and genocide to India and focused her research on understanding the Modi regime through the lens of genocide by omission. She also explored the role of state-supported militia groups, the Police and security services in carrying out attacks on Muslims in India. Aisling previously worked for the Indian American Muslim Council, which seeks to provide a platform for increasing awareness about the discrimination and persecution of Muslims and Christians in India. At Genocide Watch, Aisling is monitoring developments across five countries. She is also a member of the Fundraising Team.

Raziya Masumi, Legal Associate


Raziya came from Afghanistan in 2019 to pursue her legal studies at International and European Law at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. She got her first bachelor's degree in the field of Law in Kabul in 2011. Raziya worked as a lawyer and human rights activist with experience working with civil society organizations in Afghanistan and the Netherlands. She has acted as a legal advisor, written extensively on the role of women and minorities, and has led advocacy campaigns. Her work focuses on peacebuilding and bridging communities together to contribute to positive change and healthy societies. Recently, she focused on crimes that the Taliban committed in Afghanistan. She monitors the Taliban's brutal policies which illustrate their systematic discrimination against minorities in society. She conducted a press conference about crimes against humanity in Afghanistan in June 2022 in The Hague city. Also, she managed and spoke in many protests against the Taliban in the Netherlands. In the meantime, she created a podcast series in the Persian language for the protection of Afghan minorities’ rights and women’s rights with different civil society organizations in the Netherlands. In addition, Raziya is writing a book regarding the children’s situation during peace and wartime in Afghanistan. She believes in freedom and advocacy for voiceless people to grow roots of hope in people’s minds.  

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Isabela Rittinger, Women's and LGBTQ Rights Advocacy 


Isabela Rittinger is a fourth-year Political Science student at Queen’s University, in Kingston, Ontario. She is the president and founder of Bleed the North, a youth-led non-profit organization committed to ending period poverty in Ontario. Since their inception, in 2020 the organization has collected over 100,000 period products for those in need. She is currently engaged as an undergraduate researcher for the Centre for International Defense and Policy in Kingston. She is interested in international human rights and genocide prevention, in particular the impacts of atrocity crimes on LGBTQ+ individuals. She expanded on this interest in a research project completed in the International Law and Politics Field Program at Herstmonceux Castle which involved an application of the 10 Stages of Genocide on crisis areas rife with discrimination against queer populations. She has been honoured to speak for a number of engagements, including the Canadian Advisory of Women Immigrants IWD panel, for comment on various news broadcasts, and more. 

Mohammed Ali Tijjani, Alliance & Nigeria Advocacy Coordinator 


Mohammed Ali Tijjani has extensive expertise in project management, article writing, and humanitarian initiatives. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Science Education (Physics) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management, Mohammed also holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Global Health Project Management. He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Science Education. 


With over 5 years of hands-on experience in Project Management, Mohammed has played a pivotal role at eHealth Africa, meticulously monitoring and evaluating activities funded by WFP in Ngala, Nigeria. While working for Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI) for more than 5 years, he held positions as a Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Supervisor, and BSF Nutrition Officer.


Motivated by an unwavering commitment to fostering a world free from genocide, Mohammed Ali Tijjani is dedicated to expanding his involvement in this critical cause. Drawing from his educational background and practical experience, he aspires to make meaningful contributions to the prevention of genocide and the promotion of peace.

Lucas Hudelot-Leperini, Legal Associate 


In the final year of his Master's program in International Public Law at the University of Jean Moulin Lyon III, Lucas Hudelot-Leperini's academic journey has been marked by a deep-seated passion for national and international criminal law. His aspirations are directed towards enrolling in a preparatory course to sit the examination for the École National de la Magistrature, with the aim to perform the function of examining Magistrate. He is also considering taking the bar examen to exercise before international jurisdictions.

From the outset of his academic pursuits, his passion for international issues has been a guiding force extending across legal, diplomatic, and security issues. Lucas has actively sought opportunities to broaden his skills. At the same time, his Bachelor’s degree followed courses dealing with cybersecurity, focusing on new “hybrid” threats. 

His academic journey has been enriched by international experience in Australia, the United States, and Ireland. All these experiences allow Lucas to develop a comparative approach and enable him to have a greater comprehension of contemporary issues. 

A striking moment during his Master's program was his participation in an exchange program focused on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. After months of online conferences, he had the chance to spend a week in Palermo to attend several lectures dealing with the conflict from different angles.

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Charles Phillips, Early Warning Analyst 


Charles Phillips is a senior at Florida State University seeking a BS in International Affairs. Charles has been involved in on-campus research, including a study on social media and polarization with the Department of Sociology and media analysis of racial, caste-based, and gender stereotypes of South Asian cinema. Charles is also an intern with the International Rescue Committee’s Resettlement and Placement program where he assists newly arrived refugees access government services and integrate into the United States. He is also involved with the non-profit Public Interest Research Group as Director of Communications where he helps coordinate the student advocacy group’s community service and political outreach efforts. Charles’ academic interests include internal conflict and human rights and he plans to achieve a master’s degree and continue working for humanitarian organizations.

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Sera Mishra, Early Warning Analyst 


Sera Mishra is currently a student at the University of Maryland, where she is majoring in Government and Politics and minoring in International Development/Conflict Management and Law and Society. Sera is additionally part of the Honors Humanities program, where she studies how the arts and humanities can be utilized to incite change and social progress. She has taken classes in the subject areas of political philosophy, international relations, economics, conflict resolution, and constitutional law, which has allowed her to foster her passion for advocacy and human rights. Through her academic and professional experiences, Sera has gained expertise in writing conflict memorandums, policy proposals, and legal case briefs. Sera is the Director of Programming for the student organization Empowering Women in Law at her university, where she organizes social events and volunteer opportunities for its members. As an intern for Genocide Watch, she will be conducting research and providing assistance on various projects to monitor for signs of genocide and mitigate harm through strong legal protections. 

Tanim Miah, Early Warning & Mapping Analyst 


Tanim Miah is a sophomore at The George Washington University pursuing a degree in International Relations and History and minoring in Geographic Information Systems. His academic work has been centered on studying the impact of colonial policies on modern-day ethnic conflict in Latin America and the Middle East. He previously published research tracking Chinese infrastructure investment in the Balkans and historical antisemitism in formerly communist Eastern European states. Driven by a commitment to human rights and justice, he hopes to contribute to the anti-genocide movement through driven work with international organizations and communities. As an intern for Genocide Watch, he will be producing maps that highlight zones of conflict and writing research reports, monitoring countries in the Middle East and Africa. In the future, he hopes to pursue a career in international law.  

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Elia Redolfi Tezzat, Alliance & Advocacy Coordinator


Elia Redolfi Tezzat recently completed an MSc in Human Rights and Politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), having previously obtained a B.A. in Political Science (International and Comparative Politics) and Africana Studies from Brown University. As an undergraduate, Elia studied abroad in Rwanda and Uganda, completing a qualitative research project on genocide perpetrators’ experiences with gacaca and reconciliation. As a postgraduate student, they continued focusing their research efforts on genocide perpetrators, using their dissertation to theoretically deconstruct the “genocide monster” label through Foucauldian and Wynterian analytical lenses. During their postgraduate, Elia interned with FUUSE, an award-winning documentary company, on their CORE Library project. For this project, Elia interviewed former far-right UK extremists that have since de-radicalized and their loved ones, as well as UK survivors of extremist violence. As a Genocide Watch intern, Elia aims to participate in research and advocacy to assist Genocide Watch in its mission to prevent genocide. In the future, Elia plans to pursue a law degree and become an international human rights lawyer.

Peixin Amanda Ruan, Alliance & Advocacy Coordinator & Communications Coordinator


Peixin Amanda Ruan is currently in her 4th year at the University of Toronto. She is majoring in International Relations with a minor in History and Economics, complemented by a Certificate in International Affairs and an Associate Degree in Economics.


Passionate about social justice, Peixin has a keen interest in human rights and humanitarian efforts. Throughout her academic journey, she actively engaged in projects with a significant focus on genocide, particularly the Holocaust. She collected and analyzed primary data from humanitarian workshops and conferences, where survivors of the Holocaust shared their experiences firsthand.

In addition to her studies, Peixin gained practical experience by working with non-profit organizations and serving as a donation and fundraising assistant. In 2020, she held the position of a Public Health Intern, contributing to the initiative to make De Anza College a tobacco-free campus.

Her aspirations revolve around advocating for humanitarian justice and increasing awareness on a broader scale. She is particularly thrilled about the prospect of working with Genocide Watch to effect positive change. In the future, she plans on developing her career path within this impactful field as she seeks to play an essential role in fostering positive change and amplifying the voices of those affected by injustice.

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Sree ErramilliAlliance & Advocacy Coordinator 


Sree Erramilli is an undergraduate student at the American University School of International Service in Washington D.C., majoring in International Studies. She plans to have a regional focus on Europe and Eurasia, as well as in the thematic area of peace, global security and conflict resolution where she hopes to, in particular, study the analysis, prevention and resolution of genocide and ethnic conflict. She is incredibly excited for the opportunity to join the Genocide Watch team!

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