KRISTOF: Why Does Trump Treat Immigrant Kids Cruelly? Because He Can
By Nicholas Kristof A lifetime ago, Anne Frank’s family applied for visas to the United States to escape Hitler, but we rejected the...
New York Times 1
Apr 26, 2018

Holocaust Museum rethinks FDR’s World War II refugee legacy
Children looking at Statue of Liberty, June 4, 1939; on view at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (United States Holocaust...
Washington Post
Apr 26, 2018

Exclusive: U.S. team in refugee camps investigating atrocities against Rohingya
WASHINGTON/COX’S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - The U.S. government is conducting an intensive examination of alleged atrocities against...
Jason Szep, Matt Spetalnick
Apr 25, 2018

Visiting the Last of the Mayans
The culture of the Lacandons in the Mexican jungle is dying out. In an interview, photographer Martin Engelmann and journalist and...
Der Spiegel
Apr 25, 2018

How American Racism Influenced Hitler
Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism. “History teaches, but has no pupils,” the Marxist philosopher Antonio...
The New Yorker
Apr 24, 2018

A powerful memorial in Montgomery remembers the victims of lynching
Corten steel monuments with the names and dates of lynching victims are inscribed on them as they hang from the roof structure at The...
Washington Post
Apr 24, 2018

PRESS RELEASE: President Trump Tightens Turkey’s Grip Over U.S. Policy on Armenian Genocide
Annual Commemorative Statement Fails to Properly Characterize Armenian Genocide. WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian National Committee of America...
Elizabeth S. Chouldjian | Armenian National
Apr 24, 2018

Reclaiming a culture, reclaiming a life
“They tried to kill the Penobscot part of us,’’ Dawn Neptune said. It didn’t work. BANGOR — She was a 4-year-old kid named Dawn Neptune,...
Thomas Farragher | The Boston Globe
Apr 22, 2018

Crisis Group raises Syria threat level to critical on its Trigger List early-warning platform
On the evening of 7 April 2018, the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Douma was subjected to an apparent chemical weapons attack. Military...
International Crisis Group 1
Apr 19, 2018

Chemical attacks on Iran: When the US looked the other way
Iran denounces 'hypocrisy' of US air strikes as experts urge Tehran to press Syria to stop future chemical attacks. US President Donald...
Al Jazeera
Apr 19, 2018

Statue of ‘father of gynecology,’ who experimented on enslaved women, removed from Central Park
The first patient to endure James Marion Sims’s experimental surgery in 1845 was named Lucy. Lucy, an enslaved black woman in Alabama,...
Washington Post
Apr 18, 2018

How Syria Came to This
A story of ethnic and sectarian conflict, international connivance, and above all civilian suffering By Andrew Tabler Seven years of...
The Atlantic
Apr 15, 2018