UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urges States to 'galvanize global will for disarmament' on
With global tensions rising and progress on nuclear disarmament hard to find, “the world needs the Hibakusha spirit more than ever,”...
Genocide Watch
Aug 8, 2016

US, France Backed Convicted Chad Dictator
The United States and France supported Hissène Habré, the former Chadian dictator who was convicted of atrocity crimes on May 30, 2016,...
Human Rights Watch
Jun 28, 2016

John Kerry makes ‘gut-wrenching’ tour of Hiroshima peace park
John Kerry has become the first US secretary of state to visit the Hiroshima peace park, more than 70 years after the city was devastated...
The Guardian
Apr 14, 2016

Qatar Wants to Buy Dozens of U.S. Warplanes. Why Won’t Washington Sell Them?
By Dan de Luce Image: The White House can’t decide whether to sign off on a multibillion-dollar arms deal with the Persian Gulf kingdom,...
Foreign Policy
Mar 29, 2016

It’s time that the US faced up to the ‘G word’ and finally recognised the Armenian genocide
It’s not difficult to accuse the bad guys of genocide – Colin Powell had no problem over Darfur in 2004. We should stand up to the real...
The Independent
Mar 28, 2016

United States: Assign Tier-3 Rankings to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia in Annual Trafficking Report
Objective rankings critical to end abuses, promote progress Rohingya refugee shows receipt of money paid to a human trafficker, Malaysia...
Fortify Rights International
Mar 22, 2016

From Minneapolis to ISIS
MINNEAPOLIS — Reading back over Abdi Nur’s Twitter feed, his chilling progression from the basketball courts of South Minneapolis to the...
New York Times 1
Mar 21, 2016

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Daesh and Genocide
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson For Immediate Release March 17, 2016 Secretary of State John Kerry on Daesh and...
Genocide Watch
Mar 17, 2016

Intelligence Report: Extremist Groups Expanded in 2015
SPLC’s Intelligence Report: Amid Year of Lethal Violence, Extremist Groups Expanded Ranks in 2015 Intelligence Report 17 February 2016...
Intelligence Report
Feb 17, 2016

Fulfilling the Humanitarian Imperative: Assisting Victims of ISIS Violence
Chairman Smith on the hearing: “More than half of the 635,000 refugees entering Europe this year are from ISIS-controlled territory in...
Foreign Affairs
Dec 9, 2015