Lauretta Brown | Townhall
Sep 21, 2017
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Advances Bill Aimed at Helping Christians in Iraq and Syria
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted Tuesday to advance a bill, passed by the House in June, that attempts to ensure that...

CBN News
Sep 14, 2017
Persecuted Iraqi Christians Still Waiting for US Aid: 'They Need Our Help Now, Will We Give It?&
Months after lawmakers in the House unanimously passed a resolution promising to help Iraq's persecuted Christians and other minority...

New York Times 1
Aug 30, 2017
Lebanon Frees Hundreds of ISIS Fighters in Exchange for Soldiers’ Bodies
Syrian forces in tanks escorted Islamic State fighters on Monday to the militant group’s territory in eastern Syria. CreditLouai Beshara/...

New York Times 1
Aug 17, 2017
For a Yazidi Woman, Justice for ISIS Crimes Is Still Elusive
Iraqi Yazidis who escaped the Islamic State from Sinjar enteing Dohuk Province, in Iraqi Kurdistan, from Syria in 2014. Kurdish fighters...

Human Rights Watch
Aug 16, 2017
Libya: Videos Capture Summary Executions
Forces loyal to the Libyan National Army (LNA) in eastern Libya appear to have executed captured fighters in Benghazi and desecrated...

Nick Cumming-Bruce | The New York Times
Aug 8, 2017
U.N. Warns of New Wave of Displaced Iraqis as Fight Against ISIS Continues
A group of people resting last month after fleeing the area of Mosul’s Old City still controlled by the Islamic State. Nine months of...

New York Times 1
Aug 4, 2017
Australia Details ‘Sophisticated’ Plot by ISIS to Take Down Plane
By Jacqueline Williams The Australian police described on Friday an elaborate terrorist plot in which two men from Sydney tried to place...

New York Times 1
Aug 1, 2017
In Mosul, Revealing the Last ISIS Stronghold
By Ivor Prickett An Iraqi federal police officer in the Old City of west Mosul. CreditIvor Prickett for The New York Times Days after the...

Susan Crabtree | The Washington Free Beacon
Jul 28, 2017
Human Rights Activists Applaud Tillerson for Calling ISIS Slaughter of Iraqi Religious Minorities &#
Human rights activists are applauding Secretary of State Tillerson for using the term genocide to describe the Islamic State's mass...

Foreign Policy
Jul 27, 2017
From the Rise of the Caliphate to the Fall of Mosul, One Family’s Journey
By Campbell MacDiarmid Residents of this shattered city initially welcomed the Islamic State, but the honeymoon was short. The damage...

Susan Crabtree | The Washington Free Beacon
Jul 25, 2017
State Department Lawyers Removing References to ISIS ‘Genocide’ Against Christians, Other Religious
The State Department's top lawyers are systematically removing the word "genocide" to describe the Islamic State's mass slaughter of...

International Crisis Group 1
Jul 24, 2017
How the Islamic State Rose, Fell and Could Rise Again in the Maghreb
The Islamic State (ISIS) is in sharp decline, but in its rout lie important lessons and lingering threats. This is true for the four...