Hearing of UK Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee on Uyghur Genocide in China
Foreign Affairs Committee Oral evidence: Xinjiang detention camps - 12 01 21, HC 800 Tuesday, 12 January 2021 Ordered by the House of...
Genocide Watch
Jan 15, 2021

ICC prosecutor rejects Uighur genocide complaint against China
Office of prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said it cannot act on the complaint because China is not a signatory to The Hague-based court....
Al Jazeera
Dec 15, 2020

Rohingya coerced into going to remote island, refugees and aid workers say
Refugees and humanitarian workers said on Thursday some of the thousands of Rohingya being shipped to a remote island had been coerced,...
Matthew Tostevin & Poppy McPherson
Dec 4, 2020

Uighurs forced to eat pork as China expands Xinjiang pig farms
Former detainees claim that the forcible feeding of pork is most rampant in re-education camps and detention centers. It has been more...
Ted Regencia
Dec 4, 2020

Anti-balaka militias in Gamba, south-east CAR in 2017. (AFP/Alexis Huguet) Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Emergency for the Central...
Genocide Watch
Nov 21, 2020

By Linda Zheng Image Source: (Reuters: Murad Sezer) Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Emergency Alert for the Xinjiang Uyghur...
Genocide Watch
Nov 17, 2020

‘We don’t matter’: Rohingya deprived of vote in Myanmar elections
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims, who have taken shelter in Bangladesh, lament their exclusion from the polls. Mohammad Yusuf...
Al Jazeera
Nov 6, 2020

Chinese detention 'leaving thousands of Uighur children without parents'
Researcher says Xinjiang files reveal government strategy of long-term social control. Thousands of Uighur children appear to have been...
Lily Kuo
Oct 17, 2020

Saving Uighur Culture from Genocide
Uighur dancer performing to music. (William Vandivert / The LIFE Picture Collection / Getty) How do you protect a culture that is being...
The Atlantic
Oct 6, 2020

'Thank the Party!': China tries to brainwash Muslims in camps
Detention campaign 'the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today' Omir Bekali talks about the psychological...
Associated Press 1
May 17, 2018