Unveiling The Obigbo Army Killing Fields
50 Killed, 80 Injured, Scores Disappeared & Hundreds Held In Secrecy …in all, 110 killed & 200 injured by Army and Police in Rivers,...
Nov 6, 2020

Genocide Emergency Alert on the War in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)
From 1915 - 1922, Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire were victims of genocide . They endured systematic policies of deportation and...
Genocide Watch
Nov 6, 2020

Survivors count 54 dead after Ethiopia massacre, group says
By Elias Meseret A man waves an Oromo flag during a gathering in Addis Ababa. The attack occurred in Ethiopia’s restive Oromia region....
Associated Press 1
Nov 2, 2020

China slams Canada after report calls Uighur policy ‘genocide’
Canadian parliamentary committee says China’s policies in Xinjiang amount to ‘genocide’ against Muslim Uighur minority. China has slammed...
Al Jazeera
Oct 26, 2020

Attackers storm Cameroon school, kill several children
Several others wounded after attackers, armed with guns and machetes, stormed school in city of Kumba, Southwest Region. Published by Al...
Al Jazeera
Oct 26, 2020

The Guardian view on #EndSars and the crackdown: Nigerians deserve better
The shooting of peaceful protestors has highlighted the injustice and state brutality that have fuelled this movement. Published by The...
Oct 25, 2020

Dans l’est de la RDC, miliciens maï-maï et banyamulenge se livrent une guerre sans fin
Dans la province du Sud-Kivu, des agriculteurs bantous qui se prétendent autochtones affrontent des Tutsi congolais aux lointaines...
Le Monde
Oct 25, 2020

Tribune sur le « Rapport Mapping » de l’ONU en RDC
« Il est temps que les responsables des crimes les plus graves perpétrés en RDC répondent de leurs actes » Dix ans après la sortie du...
Le Monde
Oct 24, 2020

Lagos burns after army accused of ‘Lekki massacre’
Published by The Africa Report on Wednesday, 21 October 2020. Pius Utomi Ekpei/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images The attack on...
The Africa Report
Oct 23, 2020

Fragile hopes of peace in DRC’s conflict-scarred Ituri province
Tens of thousands of civilians have been forced from their homes in northeastern DRC since the violence resumed in December 2017....
Al Jazeera
Oct 23, 2020

"Welcome to Chechnya" reveals the killing of gay people
Chechnya Is Trying to Exterminate Gay People. Our Silence Only Emboldens Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov.
Mehdi Hasan | The Intercept
Oct 10, 2020

Genocide Warning: The Vulnerability of Banyamulenge ‘Invaders’
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS) ISS Working Paper Series / General Series , Volume 649 Last updated...
Rukumbuzi Delphin Ntanyoma
Oct 10, 2020