
Relief Web
Country Overview
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Watch | Stage 3: Discrimination, Stage 4: Dehumanization |
Although the civil war in Nepal ended in 2006, the transitional justice process has largely failed to secure accountability for conflict-era abuses. This atmosphere of impunity has extended to modern-day human rights violations.
Nepal is an ethnically, linguistically, and religiously diverse country, and minority groups are particularly vulnerable to ongoing abuses. Indigenous peoples have not been compensated for previous forced evictions, and face persecution for attempting to access their former lands. While caste-based discrimination is outlawed, Dalits remain marginalized, underrepresented, and disproportionately affected by violence. Nepal’s 2015 constitution contains provisions that discriminate against women, and there are high rates of gender-based violence and child marriage across the country.
Nepal: A New Beginning
The Culture of Impunity in Post-Conflict Nepal
Meet the women fighting sexual violence in Nepal