Check back here frequently for calls to action made by Genocide Watch and Alliance Against Genocide members. There is a great deal everyone can do to prevent genocide and hold perpetrators accountable.
Stop the Bloodshed
The International Committee on Nigeria is petitioning the Nigerian government to stop the killing and bloodshed that has caused thousands of deaths and displacements.
Pledge Against Genocide
The Pledge Against Genocide was written by Genocide Watch for the Alliance Against Genocide. By signing the Pledge Against Genocide, you will join thousands of other persons around the world who have promised to take concrete steps to end genocide and to protect genocide’s victims.
and mail it or e-mail it to:

The International Campaign for the Rohingya is calling on the U.S. State Department to declare that genocide and crimes against humanity were committed against the Rohingya

End Internet Ban
The Free Rohingya Coalition is calling on the government of Bangladesh to lift the internet ban in the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox's Bazar.

Return to Homeland
In Defense of Christians is campaigning Congress to support H. Res. 259, which will facilitate the return of Iraqi Christian ISIS survivors to their ancestral homelands.

Recognize Genocide
The Armenian National Committee of America is calling for President Trump and Vice President Pence to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

Save the Nuba
Genocide Watch supports Dr. Tom Catena's life-saving work in the Nuba mountains of Sudan. Donations towards Dr. Tom’s Mother of Mercy Hospital helps Nuba people at risk of bombings, trauma and infectious diseases.

The Antiquities Coalition launched a campaign to bring awareness to the problem of cultural racketeering - the looting and trafficking of ancient artifacts to fund crime, conflict, and terrorism.