People's Republic of China
Country Overview
Targeted Groups | Perpetrators | Alert Status | Genocide Stage(s) |
| Emergency | Stage 9: Extermination, Stage 10: Denial |
China continues to violate basic human and civic rights. These violations are particularily obvious in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. In Xinjiang, labor camps hide cultural and biological genocidal processes. In Tibet, government propaganda is being used to educate ethnic Tibetans and suppress Tibetan language and culture. In Hong Kong, new laws have restricted the right to protest, resulting in mass arrest of pro-democracy voices, and voting rights.
More than one million Uyghurs and Muslims are arbitrarily imprisoned in "re-education camps". There they are tortured, beaten, and women are raped. Uyghur and Muslim children have been taken from their homes to state orphanages. Uyghur women are forced to get abortions, undergo sterilization, and implant IUDs to reduce Uyghur birth rates. Meanwhile, those that speak out are either targeted or members of their families disappear. This is an active and clear genocide in which the Uyghur people are being killed and forced to go against their religious beliefs and cultural practices.
China's Global Threat to Human Rights - Human Rights Watch
Assaulting Identity: China's New Coercive Strategies in Tibet - Tibet Advocacy Coalition
China's Uighur camp detainees allege systematic rape - BBC News